6 Best Platforms for Copy Trading in India 2024

6 Best Platforms for Copy Trading in India 2024

Copy trading, also known as social trading or mirror trading, has gained significant popularity in India as traders seek efficient ways to participate in the financial markets. This innovative approach allows investors to automatically replicate the trades of experienced and successful traders. In this guide, we explore the 6 best platforms for copy trading in India in 2024, considering factors such as platform features, user experience, fees, and overall reliability.

1. eToro:

  • Platform Features: eToro is a global leader in social trading, offering a user-friendly platform with a wide range of financial instruments, including stocks, cryptocurrencies, and forex.

  • User Experience: Known for its intuitive interface, eToro provides a seamless experience for both beginners and experienced traders.

  • Fees: While eToro may have higher spreads, it compensates with a user-friendly platform and a vast community of traders.

  • Reliability: eToro is a well-established platform with a strong reputation for reliability and transparency.

2. NAGA:

  • Platform Features: NAGA is a comprehensive social trading platform that offers a range of instruments, along with a unique feature called "Auto-Copy."

  • User Experience: With a user-friendly interface, NAGA caters to traders looking for simplicity and innovation in copy trading.

  • Fees: NAGA's fee structure is competitive, making it an attractive option for cost-conscious traders.

  • Reliability: NAGA provides a reliable and secure platform with a focus on user satisfaction.

3. ZuluTrade:

  • Platform Features: ZuluTrade is a popular copy trading platform that connects traders and investors. It offers advanced analytics and customization options.

  • User Experience: ZuluTrade provides a user-friendly experience, allowing investors to choose from a diverse range of trading strategies.

  • Fees: ZuluTrade's fee structure varies, and traders can select signal providers based on their preferred fee arrangements.

  • Reliability: With a solid track record, ZuluTrade is considered a reliable platform for copy trading.

4. Copyop (by AnyOption):

  • Platform Features: Copyop is a dedicated social trading platform associated with the AnyOption brokerage. It offers a simple and streamlined interface.

  • User Experience: Copyop is designed for ease of use, making it suitable for both beginners and experienced traders.

  • Fees: While fees may vary, Copyop provides transparent information about the costs associated with copy trading.

  • Reliability: As part of the AnyOption brand, Copyop benefits from the reliability of an established brokerage.

5. Ayondo:

  • Platform Features: Ayondo is a social trading platform that allows users to follow and copy the trades of experienced traders. It offers a range of asset classes.

  • User Experience: Ayondo provides a user-friendly interface with clear information on the performance of different traders.

  • Fees: The fee structure on Ayondo is transparent, allowing users to choose traders based on their compensation preferences.

  • Reliability: Ayondo is a reputable platform with a focus on transparency and user satisfaction.

6. Covesting (by PrimeXBT):

  • Platform Features: Covesting is an innovative copy trading platform integrated with the PrimeXBT cryptocurrency exchange. It allows users to follow and copy the trades of professional traders.

  • User Experience: Covesting offers a user-friendly interface with a focus on cryptocurrency copy trading.

  • Fees: Fees on Covesting may vary, and users can choose traders based on their fee structures.

  • Reliability: Covesting benefits from the security and reliability of the PrimeXBT exchange.


Choosing the right copy trading platform in India involves considering factors such as platform features, user experience, fees, and the reliability of the service. The platforms mentioned above stand out for their unique features and commitment to providing a seamless copy trading experience.